Savour the Taste of Summer with Nutritious, Locally Grown German Kohlrabi

In the realm of online nutrition coaching at M8 Nomad, we stress the significance of incorporating local, seasonal foods into our diets. As part of our holistic approach to nutrition, we aim to educate and inspire about the vibrant variety of nutrient-rich produce that each season brings. Today, let's turn our attention to a unique vegetable that is a staple in German summer gardens: the versatile and nutritious Kohlrabi.

Local Hero: German Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi, or "German turnip", is a part of the cabbage family and grows abundantly throughout Germany from June to November. Its distinct taste – a blend of sweetness and mild spiciness – has made it a favourite among Germans, especially during the summer months.

This humble vegetable thrives in the fertile German soils and mild summer climate. Choosing to consume Kohlrabi during its peak season guarantees you a fresh, flavourful vegetable that is packed with nutrients and contributes to local farmers and a sustainable, regional food supply chain.

Rooted in History: Kohlrabi in Germany

Kohlrabi has a rich history in Germany, with records of its cultivation dating back to the 16th century. The name 'Kohlrabi' itself is derived from the German words for cabbage ('kohl') and turnip ('rabi'), reflecting its botanical lineage and unique taste. Over the centuries, this vegetable has become an integral part of German cuisine and is commonly featured in traditional dishes.

Health Benefits of Kohlrabi

Despite its modest appearance, Kohlrabi is a nutritional powerhouse. It is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, all essential nutrients for a healthy diet. The high fiber content aids digestion and promotes feelings of fullness, assisting with weight management.

Furthermore, Kohlrabi is an excellent source of antioxidants, particularly glucosinolates. These compounds have been shown to have anti-cancer properties and promote heart health.

Simple German Kohlrabi Salad Recipe

To fully appreciate the crisp texture and unique taste of German Kohlrabi, here's a simple, refreshing summer salad recipe:


  • 2 fresh German Kohlrabies, peeled and julienned
  • 1 apple, julienned
  • A handful of chopped fresh dill
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine the julienned kohlrabi and apple in a salad bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  3. Drizzle the dressing over the kohlrabi and apple mixture.
  4. Sprinkle with fresh dill and toss gently.
  5. Serve immediately or refrigerate for an hour to let the flavours blend.

This crisp, tangy salad is an excellent source of dietary fiber, providing around 5g per serving, and is rich in vitamin C.


At M8 Nomad, we believe in the transformative power of nutrition. By embracing local, seasonal foods like the German Kohlrabi, we nourish our bodies with high-quality nutrients while supporting local agriculture and promoting a sustainable food system.

Through our online nutrition coaching, we guide you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle, whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or simply better health. With our focus on regional, seasonal foods, we'll help you explore and appreciate the diverse tastes and nutritional benefits of foods grown close to home.

Start your journey towards a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle today with M8 Nomad Nutrition Coaching. Let's relish the delightful taste of eating with the seasons together.